
The Advanced Judaic Studies Department

The Advanced Judaic Studies Program is a three-year course of study for girls. 高级犹太研究项目(AJSP)有两个课程组成部分。, Oral Law and Jewish Thought. In the Oral Law component, students study the Halachic process from Biblical verse to codes 和responsa. 口头法课程有两个主要目标:1)发展必要的技能来理解各种形式的哈拉卡文本, 2)将Halacha视为犹太人集体和个人行为准则的持续表达.

The Jewish Thought courses explore the writings of Jewish philosophers, 从迈蒙尼德和拉比耶胡达·哈勒维到拉夫·库克和拉夫·约瑟夫·索洛维奇克, as they seek to define spirituality in the post-Modern world. 每门课程的设计都是为了帮助学生理解我们最伟大的思想家在思考人类存在问题时的观点. Each text is used as a starting point for discussions, 帮助学生更好地了解自己和犹太人生活的意义.


Oral Law 2 – Regular: 1 Credit

In this yearlong course, students learn the Laws of shabbat. Halacha是用一种独特的教学风格来教授的,这种教学风格允许Halacha和价值观以一种创新的三层风格来教授,重点是Halacha的发展, Halacha所依据的原则以及将这些原则应用于现代世界. 撒迦勒方面强调积极的成年礼,重点是如何保持安息日在校园和米拉切特.

文本:以色列哈拉卡教育中心的“从源头与精神”, Sourcebook compiled by the teacher
Homework Requirement: 1-2.每周5小时

Oral Law 2 – Honors: 1 Credit

Prerequisite: Students must be able to study texts in the original 希伯来语.

In this yearlong course, students learn the Laws of Shabbat. Halacha是用一种独特的教学风格来教授的,这种教学风格允许Halacha和价值观以一种创新的三层风格来教授,重点是Halacha的发展, Halacha所依据的原则以及将这些原则应用于现代世界. 撒迦勒方面强调积极的成年礼,重点是如何保持安息日在校园和米拉切特. 有才华和积极进取的学生与教师一起设计进一步和更深入的学习,在荣誉水平.

文本:以色列哈拉卡教育中心的“从源头与精神”, Sourcebook compiled by the teacher
Homework Requirement: 1-2.每周5小时

Oral Law 3 – Regular: 1 Credit

在本课程中, 学生学习从TaNaCH法推导的原则和原则和先例在解决现代问题的应用. 本课程的目的是发展阅读和理解能力,在哈拉契文字研究. 在每一次探索中,实际的Halachic应用是最终目标. Units studied include: Laws of Teshuva, Kashruth (Foods prepared by non-Jews, Laws of Bassar B’Chavav), 安息日(Muktzeh和Hotzaah的法律)和适当的着装和行为的法律. 除了, 学生被分配研究口头法的相关主题,运用他们在整个课程中学到的技能和澳门威尼斯人网上赌场, and to present a paper reflecting this research.

Texts: sourcebook compiled by Rabbi Binyomin Segal, Halachic works and sources include: relevant 塔木德ic passages, Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah, Tur Shulchan Aruch, Shulchan Aruch, 和responsa
Homework requirement: 2.每周5小时

Oral Law 3 – Honors: 1 Credit


在本课程中, 学生学习从TaNaCH法推导的原则和原则和先例在解决现代问题的应用. Emphasis is placed on the derivation of Halacha from classical sources. 本课程的目的是发展阅读和理解能力,在哈拉契文字研究. 在每一次探索中,实际的Halachic应用是最终目标. 学习的单元包括:Kashruth(非犹太人准备的食物和Bassar v 'Chalav律法), 除了, 一个专门研究大屠杀期间halacha独特应用的单位.包括.

Texts: From the Source with Spirit: Hilchot Kashrut
Homework Requirement: 20 minutes per night

Oral Law 4 – Regular: 1 Credit

在本课程中, 主要目标是培养学生对口头法和成文法之间关系的理解和欣赏. In this final year of the program, 学生通过哈拉奇主题的扩展来完善他们的阅读和理解能力. 越来越多的注意力投向现代反应,因为它们与我们快速变化的社会有关. This class revolves around ethical dilemmas and contemporary issues. Units studied include: Medical Ethics (Conjoined Twins, 伤检分类, 堕胎, 安乐死, Organ Donation) and Contemporary Issues (Mental Health, 同性恋群体). 

教材:由教师编写的阅读资料和通过 the Olami NLE Morasha Syllabus 
Homework requirement: 1 hour per week

Oral Law 4 – Honors: 1 Credit


在本课程中, 主要目标是培养学生对口头法和成文法之间关系的理解和欣赏. In this final year of the program, 学生通过哈拉奇主题的扩展来完善他们的阅读和理解能力. 学生通过在第一学期和第二学期就他们选择的主题写一篇研究论文来展示他们的掌握程度. 人们越来越多地关注现代反应,因为它们与我们快速变化的社会有关. 研究的单位包括:消费者/商业犹太律法、医学伦理和赎罪日法律.

Texts: Sourcebook of classical codes and modern response, Mishna Berura
Homework requirement: 2-3 hours per week

Homework Requirement: 20 minutes per night

Jewish Thought 2 – Regular: 1 Credit

在本课程中 on Jewish thought, students explore the philosophical principles upon which Judaism is based. The course is based on Maimonides’ 13 Principles of Faith. 每个原则都使用古典和当代的资料进行了深入的研究,包括迈蒙尼德的《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》和拉夫·德斯勒的《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》. 分析和讨论的一些主题是:科学与宗教的界面, Age of the Universe Prophecy, Divine foreknowledge vs. 人类的自由意志, Hashgacha Pratit, Divine authorship of the Torah, Comparative Religions, Jewish response to pain and suffering, Mashiach, Olam傻瓜.

Texts: Sourcebook compiled at ICJA
Homework Requirement: 2-3 hours per week

Homework Requirement: 20 minutes per night

Jewish Thought 3 – Honors: 1 Credit


在本课程中, 主要目标是帮助学生通过道德和精神决策来承担自己行为的责任. 这是通过古典评论家的眼睛对Pirkei Avot的深入研究来完成的. 除了, the class examines several philosophical issues, such as free will, prayer and others, by studying the writings of modern Jewish thinkers, including Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler and Rabbi Akiva Tatz.


文本:Pirkei Avot与Kahati,思考犹太青少年的生活指南,拉比Akiva Tatz
Homework requirement: 2 hours per week

Jewish Thought 4 – Regular: 1 Credit

本课程的重点是深入了解犹太生命周期仪式的基本原理和哲学基础. Students study the morning blessings as well as the writings of modern, 塔木德ic and medieval thinkers. 本课程强调精练讨论、文本分析和批判性思维技能.

文本: Gateway to Judaism 由拉比Mordechai Becher编写,由老师和源包出版的阅读资料 via the OLAMI NLE Morasha Syllabus
Homework requirement: 1 hour per week

Jewish Thought 4 – Honors: 1 Credit


在本课程中, 向学生介绍现代犹太思想家和他们的方法面对当代问题的犹太教. Students examine the philosophical views of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveichik, Shalom Carmy拉比,Jonathan Sacks拉比勋爵,并分析了原始文章和来源. This class utilizes open forum discussions, which allow students to express and support their own ideas and perspectives. 在本课程中,学生通过仔细的文本分析来完善他们的批判性思维能力.

文本: sourcebook of essays and Yirat HaShem, Rabbi Uri Gordon
Homework requirement: 2-3 hours per week

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