

不管你在哪里上中学, 一旦你开始迎新,你就会成为学院大家庭的一员. 我们的学生通常来自四所附属学校, 但我们也有越来越多的学生来自公立学校,甚至是其他州.

从新生迎新时的团队建设项目到毕业夏令营, 学院学生之间的友谊持续一生. 曾经是学院大家庭的一员, 学生是全球4000多名校友网络的一部分,无论他们身在何处,他们都会互相照顾.

学院的工作人员在课堂内外都努力与学生建立联系. 全班经常在老师家里过安息日, 学生在毕业后很长一段时间都与老师保持联系. 教师不仅是各自领域的专家,也是人生的导师.

“这不仅仅是一所学校,也是一个社区.” ——梅拉·舒尔茨,27岁


澳门威尼斯人网上赌场受家长委托,为每一位学生的情感提供一个安全的环境, 身心健康.


  1. 为所有人创造相互尊重的氛围和安全的学校环境.
  2. Create a common language between administration and staff about what is appropriate and acceptable regarding student contact and 的关系.
  3. 通过建立一个明确的框架来确保与学生的安全互动,将员工的安全放在首位.


  1. 我理解并接受我对我的ICJA学生的专业照顾负责.
  2. 我明白我和学生之间有明显的权力差异(权威), 经验, 知识, different sets of rules) and that this is also how it is perceived by my students (although often not consciously).
  3. I understand that inappropriate touching of a student (as outlined below) can have severe emotional and psychological effects on a student that can last a lifetime. These reactions could have such a strong impact that they may require intensive professional intervention that can be disruptive to the student ‘s life and leave the staff/school open for potential lawsuit.


  1. 教师/staff will report the following 情况下 to administration and document them on an incident report form as soon as possible. 该表格应由一名管理员共同签署.

a. 教师/工作人员 may not physically restrain or physically guide a child unless in the case of clear and present safety concern for the staff member or students. In these 情况下 physical removal should ideally be done in the presence of another staff member and when possible with the minimal force necessary.

b. No contact in a place on a student’s body that is normally covered by a bathing suit (unless administering medication and then only with another adult present).

  • 教职工在任何情况下都不得打孩子.

教职员工不得使用侮辱性或贬损性语言(例如.e. 羞辱、讽刺的话、戏弄等.).

教职员工可以选择用开玩笑的方式与学生交流, 但要谨慎,并将评估在每种情况下的话, 特别的孩子, 情况下, 的关系, 和优点/缺点.

  • 教职员工不会与学生分享不必要的个人或明确的信息. 以下问题将作为决定是否共享个人信息的指导原则, “Have | carefully thought through the purpose and possible ramifications of the information being shared and is it necessary for the lesson | am trying to teach?”
  • 教师/工作人员将仔细考虑与学生的任何双重关系.g. asking a student to babysit in my house) and consult with the principals or social worker when possible in making these dual relationship decisions.
  • 教师不得在学生面前换衣服或脱衣.
  • 教师/工作人员 will seek the assistance of the principals or social worker when they encounter a particularly challenging personal or family situation.
  • 教师/工作人员 will know their professional boundaries and not attempt to step into a role as “therapist” or “parent” so as not to face liability.
  • 教职员工永远不会禁止学生与家长或管理人员分享任何对话或信息, 也不要教导学生对家长保守秘密.
  • 教职员工不会承诺对家长和/或管理部门保密“有风险”的信息.
  • 教职员工不得与学生隔离在他人无法进入或看不到的地方.
  • 教师/工作人员应努力在学生之间不表现或暗示偏袒, 明白这样做会疏远学生,阻碍有效的交流. 此外, 它会在课堂上造成权力差异和边界跨越,并引发诉讼责任.
  • 在与学生的所有交往中, 教职员工应该努力做出回应,而不是对孩子做出反应.


  1. No contact in a place on a student’s body that is normally covered by a bathing suit (unless administering medication and then only with another adult present).
  2. Never have contact against a child’s will or when the student verbally or 非语言的ly signals discomfort (unless in the case of a safety concern).
  3. 触摸, 在适当的情况下,按照犹太律法,最好只包括学生的手, 肩膀或上背部(总是在别人在场的情况下).
  4. 触摸也只能在同性教职员工和学生之间进行.
  5. Although hugging may be allowed between staff and students- the following guidelines to those physical interactions must be in place in order to ensure safety as a staff member:
  6. 记住,如果父母看到这种身体上的互动,他们会怎么想.
  7. 永远把自己的安全放在心上, 记住,一个学生可以转过身来,对你们之间的身体互动提出任何要求, 有时候天真地, 有时不是.
  8. 最好是有其他人在场的时候.
  9. 当别人不在场的时候, 最好是在一个可以被路过该地区的其他人看到的地方.
  10. 更可取的是侧抱.
  11. 前拥抱应该限制正面接触的次数和持续时间(5-10秒为指导)。.
  12. 拥抱前先问一下.
  13. Do not allow the student to be constantly hugging you or making this become a common interaction between the two of you.


  1. 工作人员将限制电子和书面交流,仅限电子邮件和文本. 不允许使用其他社交媒体(包括脸谱网)进行交流, Snapchat, Instagram, 等.).
  2. 教职员工不会在脸谱网或任何其他形式的社交媒体上与学生成为“好友”.
  3. 教职工不得在晚上10点以后给学生发短信.m.
  4. 工作人员 will only text or email a student information or content that they would be comfortable having the parent see at any time.



  • “委任记者”的定义.
  • 澄清报告是基于怀疑虐待,而不是证实虐待.
  • 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 has a reporting protocol in place that necessitates calling DCFS when mandated and that every concern of abuse will be documented.
  • Employee reporting required under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act and under Title IX of the federal Education Amendments of 1972.


  1. 在处理不断升级的压力或困难情况时寻求支持.
  2. Alert the principals or social worker about dangerous or at-risk situations between students and other staff members.
  3. Work together with the principals or social worker on problematic student situations and strive to give consistent messaging to the parents on behalf of the school.
  4. 与校长或社工一起工作,让他们了解任何有关学生的行为, 任何澳门威尼斯人网上赌场父母行为的问题, 或发生在员工和学生之间的任何异常事件(口头或身体)。.



这位伊利诺伊州的教育家致力于创造, 促进, 实现一个对每个学生都开放的学习环境, 使学生达到最高的学术潜力, 并最大限度地发挥他们作为一个负责任的社会成员在学术和就业环境中取得成功的能力. 伊利诺斯州教育工作者:

•体现学校服务人员证书标准(第23期. Adm. 法典第23条),伊利诺斯州专业教学标准(第23条). Adm. 《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》(第三十八条). Adm. 守则29),如适用于教育者,在学习环境中;

• Respect the inherent dignity and worth of each student by assuring that the learning environment is characterized by respect and equal opportunity for each student, 不分种族, color, 国家的起源, 性, 性取向, 残疾, 宗教, 语言或社会经济地位;


•Provide a curriculum based on high expectations for each student that addresses individual differences through the design, 实现, and adaptation of effective instruction; and

•Foster in each student the development of attributes that will enhance skills and 知识 necessary to be a contributing member of society.


The Illinois Educator is committed to establishing high professional standards for their practice and striving to meet these standards through their performance. 伊利诺斯州教育工作者:

•Assume responsibility and accountability for their performance and continually strive to demonstrate proficiency and currency in both content 知识 and professional practice;

•Develop and implement personal and professional goals with attention to professional standards through a process of self assessment and professional development;

•Represent their professional credentials and qualifications accurately; and



The Illinois Educator is committed to collaborating with school and district colleagues and other professionals in the interest of student learning. 伊利诺斯州教育工作者:


•一起创造一个尊重的, professional and supportive school climate that allows all educators to maintain their individual professional integrity;



•Encourage promising candidates to enter the education profession; and



《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》将会合作, 建立信任, 尊重父母的隐私, 家庭, 和社区为每个学生创造有效的教学和学习环境. 伊利诺斯州教育工作者:

• Aspire to understand and respect the values and traditions of the diversity represented in the community and in their learning environments;



•通过与家长定期和有意义的沟通,促进合作和支持学生学习, 家庭, and communities; and



伊利诺伊州教育工作者致力于支持行政和学校守则, 州和联邦法律法规, 以及伊利诺伊州教育委员会对高素质教育工作者的标准. 伊利诺斯州教育工作者:


• Maintain appropriate certification for employment; and



在本节, “性行为不端”指的是任何行为, 包括, 但不限于, 任何言语, 非语言的, 写, 或者是电子通讯或体育活动, 由学区的雇员或代理人负责, 特许学校, or nonpublic school with direct contact with a student that is directed toward or with a student to establish a romantic or 性ual relationship with the student. 该行为包括但不限于以下任何行为:










  • 该字段用于验证目的,应该保持不变.

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